Many parishioners will have noticed that the famous red gate, formerly installed near the top of the short driveway off Ridgewood has been moved.
It is now near south west corner of the outside wall of the Chapel. This move, which has been arranged for and overseen by Gordon Lee, People’s Warden, is part of a larger plan, approved by Parish Council, to make the entrance to the church on Ridgewood more welcoming.
The change has several important implications. First is the creation of six new parking stalls which are reserved at all times for those coming for Sunday or other worship services and other kinds of church business. Second is the creation of two way traffic on the short driveway, which means those parking at any time need to be watchful for traffic moving in the opposite direction. Third is the reinforcement of long standing prohibition for any through traffic between Ridgewood and Wellington.
In the next two weeks, thanks to Mike Frisk, of Traffic Engineering Operations for the District of North Vancouver, new signs will be installed to make it clear that the newly available parking stalls near the memorial Garden are solely for church business, and other signs to ensure that motorists take care and stop at the bottom of the driveway before moving out onto Ridgewood as well as caution signs to ensure that drivers take care around the gate at night and when light levels and weather are poorer.
A & F and Parish Council will be establishing protocols governing the closure and locking of the gate to reinforce the reality that no access between Ridgewood and Wellington will arise as a result of the relocation of the gate.