Over the past months as we evaluated the ministry of St. Catherine’s, specifically the plan we set in place in 2021, my heart swelled with gratification and joy at the work we have done together.
It is a leadership practice of mine, to periodically imagine in my mind a balcony view of the community. And as I look at the scene, I see the amazing strides this community has taken.
I have some hard news to communicate. So, take a breath. Friends, I have led you as far as I can take you.
I am stepping down from Priest in Charge on March 15th, 2025. I am not leaving but rather moving into a smaller position one day a week position - to specifically support the property development.
I realize that this may come as a shock and disappointment.
If you think of the shelf life of a Priest - I am now at my ‘best before date’. I am not the Priest to walk you forward into your future.
As a Priest, my unique gifting, is being an agent of change, I am wired to lead by giving an injection of energy to unblock obstacles in order to move people forward. This takes intense energy and I have given all I have to give to you as a Priest in Charge. Over these 7 years, I have watched the St. Catherine’s community imagine change, make change, adapt to the change, and open wide to the future. And I have delighted in our work together. It is thrilling and exhausting.
And for me as a person, with my Dad’s situation, more recently the passing of my Mom, and my engagement to be married, I need to step into my next chapter.
For about a year now, I have noticed myself wondering at and feeling stirred by other work opportunities, specifically in the arena of health care. They were just stirrings, and I didn’t think much about them. But on my four-month sabbatical these stirrings started to take a life of their own and I began my own imagining for my future.
In August 2024, I started a conversation with Bishop (now Archbishop) John. He encouraged me to stay as long as I could and to discuss my plans with the wardens and treasurer (A&F). Rhonda, Vivian and Gordon have walked with me through these past 3 months of grief, anger, disappointment, and possibility. We imagined a role shift. Our proposal is to shift my position into an Assistant Priest role – only to support the Property Development Committee and provide oversight to the Seize the Day Campaign. But to hand the overall leadership of St. Catherine’s over to an Interim Priest in Charge, appointed by Archbishop John.
The timing of announcing this change has been tricky:
This is not a sudden decision for me, or something I am taking lightly. But one that I have sought counsel on for several months. I have taken time to wrestle, to grieve, to cry, to come to peace in myself.
And I have come to a place of anticipation for the new energy another Priest will bring into your midst and the ways that together you will shape ministry in this revitalized place.
As you newly process this information. I suspect you will need to go through the same emotional stages that I have been through. And as you do, know this: God is with you and will never leave you. You are going to be okay. You are going to be more than okay. I believe that you are going to thrive. I have a deep love for each one of you and will continue to pray for you as you take steps without me.
In Faith,
Rev. Sharon
A message from Rhonda Garton - People's Warden
Sharon has given us so much over the course of these past seven years. She has generously poured her heart, her talents and her energy into our parish, leading us to accomplish SO many things.
Sharon has also given us the tools and the confidence to move forward without her. She’s taught us to think outside the box, to believe in possibility and to take on big challenges. Her 4 month sabbatical last year taught us that we CAN indeed survive and thrive with a different leader - our experience with Rev. Laurel was excellent.
We should keep in mind that Sharon is not leaving us for a different parish, but taking her career in a different direction - something many of us have done over the course of our lives, as our circumstances and passions evolve. This is the next chapter in Sharon’s journey, and we owe it to her to celebrate it with her.
Because Sharon believes deeply in our journey here at St. Catherine’s, she would like to continue her connection with our property development project, in a support role, until which time our new leader is completely settled in and up to speed on all aspects of the project, and we all feel confident in a full transition.
Sharon has my blessing, and Vivian’s too, and we hope she will have yours. We have the support of the Diocese and the District as we move forward with our property development project, and Archbishop John is working on placing an interim priest with us as we speak, while actively seeking Sharon’s replacement in the months to follow.
Heaven knows, we will miss Sharon, but we are up to this, and we will be okay. We have the tools, the talent and the support to tackle this transition and our future together.
A message from Vivian McGie (Vicar's Warden)
As Vicar's and People's Wardens, we have been holding this transition of Rev. Sharon close to our hearts. We have had time to process what this will mean to our parish and our community. Each of you will need time to let this news sink in and inwardely digest the change. This is not easy, but we are a strong faith community and Sharon has given us the energy and encouragement to move forward. The amount of love and support we show, and will continue to show Sharon, is a testment to how we as a parish can pull together. We have been blessed with her presence and leadership for 7 years. That's a long time.
We are not alone. I believe that God will see us through these changes and guide us in the direction He wants us to go.