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All of St. Catherine’s gardens deserve our care and attention, but your wardens believe that the care of our Memorial Garden should be “next level”. We have been working very hard recently to rid the garden of gout weed, also know as ground elder. Many of you gardeners out there will know that, although this appears at first to be a fairly attractive ground cover, even producing attractive blooms in the spring, it is a tremendously invasive plant that spreads aggressively through underground rhizomes/ rootstalks. 

If you have visited the Memorial Garden recently, you may notice that it looks a bit different. That’s because Vivian, her friend Anna and I have spent a lot of time carefully digging out the gout weed, which has opened up breathing space for the perennials we would like to thrive. The battle will be ongoing, as each tiny rootlet unknowingly left behind will live to sprout again, but we will do our best to stay ahead of it. Our Memorial Garden deserves our top tier care and attention. 

Anyone interested in joining us in caring for our Memorial Garden, or any of St. Catherine’s gardens, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Email Rhonda at