"That is how it is when we praise you. We join the angels in praise, and we keep our feet in time and place…awed heaven, rooted in earth. We are daily stretched between communion with you and our bodied lives, spent but alive, summoned and cherished but stretched between. And we are reminded that before us there has been this One truly divine (at ease with the angels) truly human…dwellers in time and space. We are thankful for him, and glad to be in his missional company. Alleluia. Amen."
(A prayer by Walter Brueggemann, “Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth”, p. 85)
Sermon Resources:
- Walter Brueggemann: Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth
- Get on the Balcony - Leadership on the Line
- The Five Marks of Mission - Anglican Church of Canada
- Saint Catherine's Values - 6 guiding values for ministry
Service Art:
Image 1: Netherlands public statue
Image 2: Artist: Daphne Merkin
Image 3: Artist: Deborah Milton