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December 22nd, Sunday, 10 am
Advent 4: We Breathe In Peace
Before the hubbub of Christmas Eve, we pause to be still and to find peace
at Saint Catherine's Anglican Church
CLICK HERE for the livestream and bulletin.

December 24th, Tuesday
3pm Christmas Eve Pantomime for Young Children
5pm Christmas Eve Family Traditional Service. CLICK HERE for the livestream and bulletin.
Both services will be held at Saint Catherine’s Anglican Church

December 25th, Wednesday, 10am - 11am
Christmas Day Service 
at Saint Clement's Anglican Church, 3400 Institute Rd, North Vancouver, BC V7K 2K9

December 29th, Sunday, 10 am
Second Sunday in Christmas: Lessons and Carols
at Saint Catherine’s Anglican Church
CLICK HERE for the livestream and bulletin.

January 4th, Saturday, 9:30 am to 5pm
An Epiphany Centering Prayer Retreat
at Saint Catherine’s Anglican Church

January 5th, Sunday, 10 am
Epiphany Sunday: A Contemporary Morning Prayer Service
at Saint Catherine’s Anglican Church
CLICK HERE for the livestream and bulletin.