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All are welcome to join the Lenten program at St. Catherine's Church, Starting with Shrove Tuesday in Collaboration with Highlands United.

For more information please email the office at

Tuesday March 4th: Shrove Tuesday at Highlands Shrove Tuesday

Wed. March 5th: Ash Wednesday Services Ash Wednesday services

     (noon and 5:30 pm) at St. Catherine’s


March 9th:    SOUL FOOD SUNDAY (Lenten Feast)

March 16th:  Lent 2 traditional service + Lent Study  Link to Lenten Studies Program

March 23rd:  Lent 3 traditional service + Lent Study

March 30th:  Lent 4 traditional service + Lent Study

April 6th:      Lent 5 traditional service + Lent Study

April 13:       Palm Sunday – Holy WEEK begins