I am 14 years old. Getting all A’s and B’s on my last report card really pleased me, my parents and grandmothers. I deliver the North Shore news, which used to be my brother Ethan‘s and I helped him since I was six years old. I am a regular churchgoer, helping with sound, video and sometimes Sunday school. I am on parish council as the youth representative. My grandma told someone she bribed me and my brother with a trip to Subway each Sunday but I come, not for that, but because I like coming. After church, I take horseback riding lessons each Sunday. Making me happy is my dog pepper, a medium-size German Shepherd, Rottweiler, plus something else breed. My brother, Ethan has always been my greatest friend and person to look up to. I like to plan things and I’m already planning my life and have made a résumé and hope to get a job as early as possible.