Feast of Hilary of Arles
Saint Hilary of Arles, also called Hilarius or Ilario, was born in approximately 400 in Lorraine, France. He grew up in a pagan household and had a family member who would eventually be recognized as Saint Honoratus of Arles. Even though he was raised as a pagan, Hilary's life changed drastically when he met his relative, Honoratus. Honoratus, who had adopted Christianity, asked Hilary to come to the recently founded Lerins abbey.
Understanding the importance of the invitation, Hilary decided to accompany Honoratus to the abbey. Lerins is where Hilary experienced a deep spiritual change and was baptized, officially embracing Christianity. Motivated by the close-knit community at the monastery, Hilary decided to commit his life to God by becoming a monk.
Honoratus ascended to the position of bishop of Arles, a city located in present-day France. Acknowledging Hilary's intelligence and abilities, he selected Hilary to serve as his secretary, allowing Hilary to broaden his understanding of theology and the Church in this position.
Yet, destiny had other intentions for Hilary's fate. After Honoratus passed away, Hilary took on the role of leading the diocese of Arles. He fully embraced his new position as bishop and was recognized for his enthusiastic and steadfast dedication to sharing the faith. Hilary diligently and enthusiastically shared the gospel in an effort to lead more people to Christ.
Despite his admirable dedication and zeal, Hilary's passion frequently led to issues with both individuals and government authorities. His intense passion and aggressive manner caused more problems than conversions, resulting in the Vatican reprimanding him two times. Nevertheless, even though the Church issued reprimands, nobody doubted Hilary's sincerity in his sanctity or the strength of his faith.
Saint Hilary of Arles stayed resolute in his goal of spreading the Gospel, despite the obstacles he encountered. He kept leading the flock under his care until he passed away from natural causes.
Saint Hilary of Arles' life and teachings inspire Christians to maintain strong faith, unwavering commitment to the Gospel, and to be prepared for the challenges that may arise while sharing God's love.
- Even though it sometimes got him into trouble, Hilary of Arles tried always to act out of compassion. Who in your life is in need of compassion? Where do you need or receive compassion?
- St. Hilary made extravagant gestures of love, selling church property to free captives, walking barefoot on the earth. Have you ever made or witnessed an extravagant gesture? How did that turn out?
Image: Soul Food Sunday cover