‘Sexual flourishing is for every type of body, every type of gender, every type of sex drive, every type of human. People who choose celibacy. Those who have one partner their whole lives. Those who don’t conform to gender norms. Those who are divorced, single, dating, gay, straight, kink, vanilla. Those who have hurt me and those I have hurt. All are invited to the open table, to the fullness of grace… Everyone, Without Exception, Christianity is not a program for avoiding mistakes; it is a faith of the guilty. There is no “right” or perfect way to be. We learn from our mistakes; we extend grace to others and ourselves.”
Nadia Boltz Weber, Shameless
- Resource: Good Christian Sex by author and pastor Bromleigh McCleneghan: Good Christian sex
Service Art:
Image 1: Proud Anglicans Logo
Image 2: Taize Image donated by Rev. Gary Hamblin