Holy Midwife, you rejoiced at the birth of creation.
I hold up to you the intuited mystery of something new being birthed in me. It has no face, no name, no sound, no shape. I only know that something unperceived is meant to come to life inside the womb of my deepest self. Is it greater depth or valuable clarity? Is it a whole new way of being?
I fail to understand what it might be. My knowing is as faint as the light of a new moon. I know I must trust in your unfailing care. You will be attentive to this unnamed one who struggles mightily to be released within me.
Joyce Rupp, Prayers to Sophia, A Birthing
Sermon Resources:
- John Phillip Newell: The Rebirthing of God
- Intentional reflection for a new year: Courtney Martin Onbeing blog
- New Year's reflection page by Wendy Ball for download above.
Service Art:
Image 1: St Catherine's website
Image 2: Emmanuel Garibay