‘In its eyes the world is full of all kinds of possibilities, namely all the possibilities of the God of hope.’
Jürgen Moltmann
Rev. John Marsh and Rev. Sharon Smith will be responding to the following questions:
The gospel on this first Sunday of Advent, is so gloomy. And that first reading on rain, really strikes a chord. How do you understand hope in this dark time of year?
We live with so much tension and chaos around us right now. Is there any way we can navigate this without becoming overly pessimistic or worse overly optimistic?
I find the start of Advent each year a helpful reminder that I can live into each moment and begin again and again and again. How can this idea transform the way we live and interact from day to day?
It is uncomfortable to live with so much unknown and insecurity. How do you live with discomfort?
Service Art
Image 1: Pixabay website
Image 2: Artist Mike Frost