Come humbly, Holy Child,
stir in the womb
of our complacency;
shepherd our vision
of the little we need
for abundant living.
Come humbly, Holy Spirit,
to whisper through the leaves
in the garden of our ignorance,
exposing our blindness
to children dying,
hungry and in pain.
Come humbly, Holy Light,
pierce our lack of generosity and love,
scattering our dark fear
of living freely in your way,
poured out in wanton service.
Come humbly, Holy Wisdom,
cry through the empty streets
of our pretence to care,
that the face of the poor
will be lifted up,
for holy is your name.
Come humbly, Holy God,
be born into our rejoicing,
Come quickly, humble God,
and reign.
A Mothers’ Union Day on Magnificat, Durham, England, 1989 (contributed by Ginger Shaw)
Art 1: Mary (A painting Vivian McGie’s Great Grandmother bought in Italy during her travels)
Art 2: The Visitation (Artist: Dorothy Webster Hawk)
Art 3: Madonna of Peace (Artist: Heather Luccock)
Art 4: Bethlehem Hinter Mauern (Artist: Janina Zang, contributed by Janet Morris)
Art 5: Intimacy – Mother and child (Artist: Sharon Smith)