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St. Catherine's is inviting you to help create the visual art using whatever artistic medium you love to work with: illustrations in paint/pencil/charcoal etc., needlework, quilting, photography, sculpture… or whatever visual art medium you would like to contribute to our reflections.             

St. Catherine's requests only one item of art per Station, and request we receive your piece by the last week of Lent, March 29th, 2020.

For information please contact the office at

The Stations are listed below and in more detail in the document attached.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS (14 stations) (John 18.1 - John 19.42)

1.      Jesus is condemned to death before Pilate.

2.      Jesus takes up his cross

3.      Jesus falls for the first time

4.      Jesus meets his mother

5.      Simon of Cyrene carries Jesus’ cross

6.      Veronica wipes Jesus’ face.

7.      Jesus falls the second time

8.      Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

9.      Jesus falls the third time.

10.   Jesus is stripped.

11.   Jesus is nailed to the cross.

12.   Jesus dies on the cross.

13.   Jesus is placed in his mother’s arms

14.   Jesus is placed in the tomb.