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Last Sunday, July 21st, the St. Catherine's community had a bittersweet moment as we bid farewell to our cherished director, Rob Gloor, and joyfully welcomed back the Rev. Sharon Smith, following her sabbatical.

The farewell for Rob was poignant, with the community gathering to reminisce on his inspiring contributions.

As we look ahead, welcoming back Rev. Sharon was a jubilant occasion, celebrating her return to pastoral duties enriched by personal growth. These transitions remind us of our community's resilience, bound by music, faith, and shared journeys.

We would like to thank our volunteers Marthe, Shaunti, Ashkon and Gillian for helping us out with the decorations and cake; and our summer workers for fixing the board. To Vivian for organizing the food and to everyone who brought a plate to share!
Photos by Rev. Laurel, Marymil and Alison