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Sunday, May 19 is Pentecost, this major feast is like the birthday of the church when we celebrate how the disciples experienced the coming of the Holy Spirit. Everyone is invited to help make this celebration as joyful as it can be.

  • Wear Red!
    The Holy Spirit appeared as fire. Everyone please wear red or other fire colours like orange or yellow. If you have a scarf or streamers or flag in these colours bring them too.

  • Share the Languages you know!
    Everyone who speaks a language other than English is asked to share that gift (even if it is not perfect) with the community. We are going to read the First reading on Sunday in all the languages of our community. Some of you have already reached out to Rev. Laurel who will follow up with more details. For everyone else if you speak another language you can get ready for Pentecost by finding these verses Acts 2:5-8 in your language. If you don’t have a bible at home go to online. Print or copy those verses, practice reading them aloud and bring the passage to church on May 19.

  • Get ready to Process!
    At the end of the service we will carry the big Christ Candle away from the altar and out the big front doors in a procession. Everyone who is able is invited to be part of this walk -wearing red, waving fire-coloured streamers, scarves, and flags -we might even have sparklers. This is a big and visible sign that the church is called to take our light and our fire out into the world.