As noted earlier on the website, John Luccock is taking a well-deserved rest from the Buildings and Grounds committee after many years spent keeping the church and grounds ship-shape. John and his family, Joe and Gordon, have worked long hours (and all hours!) and they have our heartfelt appreciation for their labours.
John says: "There are a myriad of people who have worked with me to accomplish what we have. My job was to coordinate the items, except for the plugged toilets and changing light bulbs!"
Now it's time to step up and fill those big shoes! If you have a way with a hammer, a plunger, a shovel, a level, or a paintbrush (or just a telephone, and know how to delegate!), your help on the Buildings and Grounds Committee is very much required. John has provided this committee's job description in the Word document provided below.
Please talk to Christine or the wardens if you are willing to put in a few hours per month with this valuable group!