Prayer resides in our bodies, waiting to be unearthed in the gestures of everyday life. The deep mystery of the holy is embedded in the heart throbbing, the stomach turning, the chest expanding, the pelvis rising, the hands clapping. The life force is awaiting breath, and to be breathed. Our bodies are our words: the language of guttural prayer, the cries of the unknown heart falling into the act of being known by the one who designed the longings of our hearts," writes Celeste Snowber.
Sermon Resources:
- Dr Willie James Jennings on desire and the history of knowing - Link to Podcast
- Book Chapter: The Sacramental Way in The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe" by Richard Rohr, Brian D. Mclaren
- The Sacramental Universe reflection by Richard Rohr.
Service Art
Image 1: LeCompte, Rowan and Irene LeCompte vanderbilt
Image 2: Lars Hammer (creative commons)