“All the hatred we have expressed toward one another cannot destroy the profound mutual love and solidarity that flow deeply between us – a love that empowered blacks to open their arms to receive the many whites who were also empowered but the same love to risk their lives in the black struggle for freedom. We were made brothers and sisters by the blood of the lynching tree, the blood of sexual union, and the blood of the cross of Jesus… What God joined together, no one can tear apart” James Cone, The Cross and the Lynching Tree
Sermon Resources:
- Documentary about Mother and Son: Duty Free (trailor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAUhLmWZ1c8)
- Catherine Keller on Planetary Entanglement: Link to Book
- Robin Wall Kimmerer Interview on Kinship with plants: link to podcast
- IPCC’s recent Report "Climate Change 2021: Summary for Policymakers” that was announced earlier this week (link).
- Article: UN sounds alarm on 'irreversible' climate impacts, but offers hope (link)
- Co-generate movement: link
Service Art:
Image 1: Artist Belita William
Image 2: Synthia St. James