Mission to Seafarers
At the Mission to Seafarers in Vancouver our goal is the same it was when it all began in England in the 1830's and that is to care for the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of all seafarers and their families.
Seafarers are isolated from their families and the rest of society spending many months at sea. The same seafarers who bring us 90% of what we have.
The Mission to Seafarers response is a ministry of 'presence' and 'hospitality' done by visiting seafarers on their ship, listening and letting them know we care, by providing centres a 'home away from home' where they can go and relax, speak with family, watch TV, play pool, send money home, buy a snack or two. We provide transportation to take them to the centre or to the mall.
We also advocate for seafarers keeping a watchful eye on conditions on board and helping them know their rights.
It is only possible with a team of people which includes chaplains, interns,employees and volunteers.
The Mission has a board of directors who work with the Senior Chaplain to fulfil our mandate.
Support also comes from being a part of a worldwide organisation www.missiontoseafarers.org present in 200 ports, in many cases partnering with other societies that also care for seafarers.
See below for the download of the global map of MtS locations.
At MtS Vancouver we hope that you will explore this site and in doing so learn more about the work of the Mission, grow in your understanding of and appreciation for the seafarer and consider how you can join with us to support them.
Rev. Peter Smyth
Senior Chaplain
View their website here: LINK
All Images are from the photographers of Rev Peter Smyth and Randy Murray