
John 1: 1-18, Sirach 24:1-12, Howard Thurman – The symbol of Christmas
The greening power of Christmas The greening power of Christmas The greening power of Christmas

This year we get to be with Christmas for a little bit longer. We get to turn it around a few more times like a gemstone – looking at all the hewn angles.


The Incarnation, which is

for popular Christianity synonymous

with the historical birth and earthly life of Christ, is for the mystic

not only this

but also a perpetual

Cosmic and personal process.

It is an everlasting bringing forth,

in the universe and alsoin the individual ascending soul,

of the divine and perfect Life,

the pure character of God. 

by Evelyn Underhill



  1. The Word became flesh by Jan Richardson
  2. Stained glass - Church of England website
  3. Image from St Benedict's Anglican Church 

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