From A TESTAMENT OF DEVOTION by Thomas KellyDeep within us all, there ís an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center, a speaking Voice, to which we may continuously return. Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-torn líves, warming us wíth intimatíons of an astounding destiny, calling us home unto itself. Yielding to these persuasions, gladly committing ourselves in body and soul, utterly and completely, to the Light Within, is the beginning of true life. It is a dynamic center, a creative Life that presses to birth within us. It is a Light Within which illumines the face of God and casts new shadows and new glories upon the face of humanity.
*Bulletin Cover and Left Side of the Church: "Whether Awake Or Asleep" by Jan Richardson
*Right Side of church: He Hid His Lord's Money, Stained Glass from The Church of St. Edward, King and Martyr, Corfe Castle, UK