What does love look when we hear a racist remark?
What does love look like when we think about a young person who can’t get a summer job?
What does love look like when we meet someone who is currently without a home?
And what does love look like when someone tells us that they are experiencing depression?
This is the world that Jesus prays we will give ourselves to, in love.
In this sermon Rev. Sharon explores the idea of Kenosis. Read more from Richard Rohr on Self emptying here.
She also explores the idea that surrendering in the moment, leads us into the realization of our need of God. Here is a podcast on the book When Things Fall Apart.
Children's Activities: Hey kids, this week we are asking that you explore the wind. Sometimes the Holy Spirit is compared to the wind. Can you draw a picture of the wind? Can you take a photo of a tree blowing in the wind or the wind blowing across water?