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This year we will once again join Highlands United Church in their Gym (3255 Edgemont Blvd, North Vancouver) for Food, Fun and Funds.

Doors Open 5:30 pm and Food starts at 6 pm.

With a suggested donatio of $10.00.

This year we are encouraging folks to empty their pockets (small change for PWRDF - world relief initiatives - link here) and their pantries (items for the Saint Catherine's Emergency Food Program - listed below). 

Be great to see you there.

Food items to bring: 

pasta or curry sauces, noodles, canned meat, tuna or salmon, oatmeal, canned soup, or other one can meals, canned fruit, cereal, granola or power bars, juice in tetra packs, honey or jam toothbrushes, soap, personal care items

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