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Text: Luke 21:25-34

To pay attention to endings in Biblical history and in our times (both collective and individual)

To open up to trust, though we do not understand we are learning to trust that Christ comes near to us in the hardest of places – in the endings, transforming them into new beginnings.

To explore what it means to hope against hope in the endings of our lives.  


What is your word or image of hope?

We invite your comments below.


Joy Wee about 6 years ago

For the next 4 weeks, we are inviting discussion on the topics covered in the sermons. Feel free to leave comment, questions, or observations. We hope that this venue will allow people who are unable to be present on any particular day to participate in discussion.

Hope: Trust (word) ; dove flying out from the ark (image).

Anon almost 6 years ago

God's signs and presence is everywhere in our every day lives. It is up to us to decide if we want to allow ourselves to see the signs and accept them.

Sharon Smith almost 6 years ago

Image of hope - an old cedar log nurses a new tree a it takes root.

Samantha Brereton almost 6 years ago

I've read the book and really enjoyed Google it.

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