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Advent Doors is a Saint Catherine's community project that invites you to share something of yourself with others on one, two or all the weeks of the season.

As we look to the first door of Advent we contemplate on the scriptures: Mark 13:24-37. I am struck by the phrase In those days...

We invite you to share images or words or something that brings you comfort on hard days. Email images/words to

They will be posted here. Feel free to comment on others postings. Comments will reviewed daily. 

Photos in order:

(1) Art by Jan Richardson: In Those Days (purchased from:

(2) Behind the First Door of Advent in Rev. Sharon's memory is a camp fire, the African stars bright in the sky, and family sitting in comfortable silence. This year I hold these deep memories in a room I call 'remember'. I am invited to be still and to take comfort.

(3 - 7) Photos and Quotes from Melanie Hacket: "In those Days"

(8-9) Photos from Deborah Foster: Going for neighbourhood walks during the COVID provides moments of wonder: both in physical beauty, and in generous community spirit, as shown in the photos I took during some of those walks. 

(10-14) Photos from Monica Macdonald: "Kayaking and pandemic beach walks" - Many hours spent kayaking in the sunshine with friends and long beach walks away from people..  Water was always present, relaxing, peaceful, refreshing.. a time for inner prayer.. 

(15-18) Photos from Melanie Hackett: Navigating through the wilderness with compass and topo maps where there are no trails, no published information, and no human footprints is my most healing experience and powerful tool to face the metaphorical uncharted territory in life. 


Comforting Words

My faith and my shared faith with others.

“Thy will be done” has helped me forever ( childhood and beyond) in my life.

Search for moments of joy in each day. Fresh mountain air and cleansing raindrops on daily walks.

Submitted by: Lori Burns


God be in my head and in my understanding;

God be in my eyes and in my looking

God be in my mouth and in my speaking

God be in my heart and in my thinking

God be at my end and at my departing.  

Submitted by: Dora Harvey


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