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Take part in our Vicar of Dibley Marathon on Saturday, October 25 - this may well be your only chance to binge-watch all 20 episodes of this BBC hit comedy back-to-back! And for what a good cause - you'll be raising much-needed funds for St. Catherine's! 
Here’s the trick – it’s free to enter at 9 a.m., but you have to pay if you leave early. 

If you leave before 10 a.m., watch out – we’ll ding you $1000! (Unfortunately for our budget, we don’t think anyone will do that!)

But if you leave before 11 a.m., don’t worry – we’ll only hit you up for $200.

Leave before 1, and it’ll cost $150.

Before 3 p.m. = $125.

Before 5 p.m. =$100.

Before 7 p.m. = $75.

After 7 p.m., but before the end of the event - $50!

Stay to the not-so-bitter end and you’re home free!

But you’ll still be raising money for the church. We hope that parishioners who aren’t able to come themselves will give a donation for every marathoner who is still present -  and at least semi-awake! -  when the event wraps up at 9 or 10 at night. And marathoners, we encourage you to collect personal pledges from your family and friends! An event information and pledge sheet are available for download, below.
If you can only come for an hour or two, we’ll make an exception and sell you a three-show pass for $30. We hope everyone else is in for the long-term! (Note: Please don't let your means determine your attendance - talk to us if you'd like to make a different donation! And if you're not a member of our parish, cost of a three-show pass is only $20!)

We promise you that this will be a really fun day, with lots of the Vicar of Dibley’s favourite foods, trivia contests, lots of laughs, and great company. There are more details on the posters in the lobby.

Please pre-register with Peggy ( /604-619-5576) or Heather at ( so we can plan food and space appropriately.  Volunteers to help with food or other tasks would also be very welcome.